Popular Sports Korea is Known For 한국을 알리는 인기있는 스포츠

South Korea has won lots of medals in several competitions.
It has always been a glory for South Korea to have these talented athletes who make their specified sports well-known.
Here are the top popular sports South Korea is known for.
1. Archery 양궁

South Korea has dominated (지배하다) the sport of archery at international level, winning the most medals (메달) at the Olympic Games (올림픽 게임) as compared to any other countries in the world.
Korea has been consistently having strong performances (성능) in other international tournaments.
Famous Korean archery players are Oh Jin Hyek (오진혁) and Kim Woo Jin (김우진).
2. Volleyball 배구

In South Korea, where men's and women's teams compete in the professional V-League (V-리그), volleyball is incredibly popular.
Athlete Kim Yeon Koung (김연경) is the best volleyball player in South Korea and was the first Asian volleyball player in history to receive the MVP award in the CEV Women's Champions League (유럽 배구연맹 클럽 챔피언 리그).
3. Baseball 야구

South Korea is one of the regular participants in the World Baseball Classic (세계 야구 선수권 대회) and considered as one of the best countries in international competitions (국제 대회).
Several Korean players have gone on to play in Major League Baseball (메이저리그).
There is also an active baseball cheering culture in South Korea.
One of the most famous baseball players is definitely Korean Monster from LA Dodgers Ryu Hyun Jin (류현진)!
4. Football 축구

The Korean national football team was the first team in the Asian Football Confederation (아시아 축구 연맹) to get into the FIFA World Cup semi-finals in 2002.
They have been a powerful team ever since the Mexico 1986 World Cup (월드컵).
Son Heung Min (손흥민) is the star player who brought glory (영광) to South Korea and no one doesn’t know who he is.
5. Basketball 농구

Basketball is another sports that is gaining popularity (인기) in South Korea.
At the Asian Basketball Championship (아시아 프로농구 챔피언십), the South Korean national basketball team set a record (기록) by taking home 25 medals.
Ha Seung-Jin (하승진), who played there from 2004 to 2006, is the only Korean player in the NBA to date.
6. E-Sports E-스포츠

South Korea has been a stronghold for E-sports, with StarCraft (스타크래프트) professional competition being the most notable example.
The OnGameNet (온게임넷) Starleague (스타리그) and Proleague are the most noteworthy leagues in Esports that are sponsored (후원) by large corporations (대기업).
The Korean E-Sports Association, a division of the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism (문화 체육 관광부), was also established to promote E-sports within the country.