10 Career Options for Korean Learners 한국어 능력자를 위한 직업군 10가지

Why Korean as a career of all choices?
Higher Korean skills guarantee you have a unique edge in the employment market. That is because the competition is less for specialised positions.
How many speak good French, Spanish, and German? And in contrast, how many can hold 5-minute simple conversations with a native Korean speaker?
1. Korean Translator 한국어 번역가

A Korean translator is one of the most highly wanted jobs for foreigners who speak Korean. Being a Korean translator allows you to have flexible (유연한) working hours (근무 시간). It is very recommended for those who are more interested in literature (문학) as they can translate literary works (문학 작품) in foreign language. Plus, translation is an essential part is most international organisation’s business communications.
2. Korean interpreter 한국어 통역가

An interpreter’s job is more complex than translator as it requires one to tell everything in another language, usually in real time. It is more serious (진지한) and is high in demand (수요). It requires you to be really fluent like native people and there is no space for incompetency (능력부족) and sloppiness (엉성함).
3. Job in a Korean Company 한국회사 직원

Working in a Korean company will help you in improving (향상시키다) your Korean language as there will be more people who speak Korean around you. Besides, many Korean companies (회사) have been reaching out to other countries (다른 나라) more these days and they usually prioritise Korean speaking employees.
4. Korean Teachers 한국어 교사

Being a Korean teacher in international schools (국제 학교), college or private institutes may also be another option for Korean language learners. The knowledge (지식) of Korean will give you the ability (능력) to tutor (가르치다) new learners. In the last few years, especially after the spread of COVID-19, we have seen online tutor programs continue to grow. You can even be a Practice Buddy on uBitto!
5. Jobs in MNC 다국적기업

There are actually many prominent MNC’s that have interests and clients (고객) all over the world, including South Korea. They will need people who can communicate (소통) with Korean businesses and parties. And that’s why they will look for Korean language specialists (전문가) for various work sectors (작업 분야).
6. Global Sales Marketer 글로벌 판매 홍보

Foreign skill language also adds an advantage (이점) in the international sales (국제 거래) marketing. As a global sales marketer, you can become a persuasive (설득력 높은) salesperson to negotiate (협상하다) with business partners from other countries. Another pro of being a global sales marketer is that you will get to travel a lot as well.
7. Tourism and Hospitality Industry 관광과 숙박 산업

If you can speak Korean, you will also have the chance to find many job openings in the broad domain (영역) of the tourism industry (관광 산업). You can either be a tour guide (여행 가이드) or work in the hotel and travel industry. With your Korean language skills, you will be able to assist (돕다) many Korean customers.
8. Aviation Industry 항공 산업

Although the main language in the aviation industry is usually English you can also get an opening if you get into an airline company (항공사) that shuffles between your country and South Korea. But there are also jobs for customer service and ticketing staff (티켓팅 직원.).
9. Content Writer and Editors 콘텐츠 작가/편집자

If you are someone who likes journalism and likes to write (쓰다), why not try out being a content writer. Many companies that deal with Korea or Korean products (제품) will look for content writers and editors who can speak Korean fluently. You can even choose to be a full-time employee or a freelance writer (프리랜서 작가).
10. Teaching Native Language 한국에서 모국어 가르치기

If you are staying in Korea and worrying about what to start off as a career (직업), you can also try teaching (가르치기) your native language in Korea. You can apply to government (정부) programs under the Korean Ministry of Education (한국 교육부). Or you can also apply to teach at private schools (학원) or colleges and universities.
Want more from uBitto?
FANCY LEARNING KOREAN? Check out our online Korean courses here.
If you prefer a more interactive online class, check out our online Korean classes here. We offer free trial to all interested learners.
Prefer a more focused 1:1 session? Consider getting a Practice Buddy. Or, level up your Korean with a Practice Pass which gives you access to unlimited practice quizzes.
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