uBitto Community Group can be found on our Community page. uBitto platform allows members to organize themselves into public, private or hidden social areas with separate activity feeds and member listing.
This feature is implemented for instructors to segregate their course takers into groups for easier communication and assignment marking. Practice Buddies can also create a community group to interact with all their learners as a community. Learners who want to create a community / study group can also make use of this feature. Best of all, it's free to create one.

Group Type
Every community is unique. Create public, private or hidden groups and set different rules and settings depending on the group type.
Group Invites
Allow all group members, organizers, and/or moderators to invite other users to the group.
Group Organizers, Moderators
Create organizers or moderators within a group to control who can administrate and edit the group, post activity, or invite users.
Group Activity
Allow all group members, organizers, and/or moderators to post photos, gyphys, emojis, and share ideas into the group activity feed.

Click on the button below to start a new Community Group.