Habits You Will Pick Up After Living in Korea 한국 생활 후 몸에 배는 습관들

Have any of you been staying in Korea for a few months now?
If you have, you will definitely emphasise to these habits.
Those who have been staying in Korea for some time always happen to have these habits that come out naturally as it is all what Korean people do.
Even if you have not been staying in Korea, you can be well prepared to welcome these new habits when you go there!
1. Bowing 고개 숙여 인사하기

Bowing to anyone older then you is a basic (기본) manner (예의) in Korean culture.
After living in Korea after some time, you will definitely find yourself bowing many times in a day be it to waitresses, staff workers (직원), teachers (선생님) or anyone who is elder.
You will realize that your waist (허리) is bent (굽히다) at all times.
2. Eating Rice 쌀밥

In the typical home-cooked Korean diet, rice is always inclusive (포함) in a meal.
Basically, every meal in Korea will always contain rice even in the morning for breakfast (아침식사).
After living in Korea, you might even want to get yourself a rice cooker (밥솥) once you get back to your own country.
3. Spoons and Chopsticks 숟가락과 젓가락

Many people might not know how to use chopsticks (젓가락) as it is not in their culture to use one.
However, you will eventually get used to using spoons and learning how to use chopsticks after living in Korea.
Most of the Korean meals have stews (찌개) and soups (국) which require spoons (숟가락). Koreans even use chopsticks to eat their rice.
4. Not Tying Shoelaces 신발끈 없는 신발

In Korean culture, you are not supposed to wear shoes indoor (실내) at most places.
You will need to take your shoes off many times in a day and it may be quite troublesome (귀찮다).
habit (습관) is that you might not even wear shoes with shoelaces. Slip-on shoes are definitely better to get around with in Korea.
5. Checking Out One’s Age 나이 확인

In Korea, shortly after meeting (만남) someone new, you will inevitably be asked to reveal (밝히다) your age.
It’s not considered rude because they really need to find a suitable (어울린) form of speech style with you.
Even the difference (차이) of one year can dictate (명령) everything from the way people speak to each other to the way they eat and drink in each other’s company.
Don’t be surprised if you start picking up this habit and begin asking a peer about their age!
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