Scholarships to Advance your Studies in Korea 한국에서 유학하고 싶다고? 이런 장학금을 노려라!

Ever wanted or dreamed of going to Korea to advance your studies but wasn't able to because of financial problems?
This will definitely help in getting one step closer to your dream.
Here are some of the scholarships from Korea to advance your studies in!
1. Korean Government Scholarship 한국 정부 장학금

This scholarship offers full scholarships covering tuition fees (수업료) and living expenses (생활비), plane ticket (비행기표), free language classes (어학연수), health insurance (건강보험) and other allowances to attract more international students to study in Korea.
It is possible to apply through university’s website or through the Korean Embassy (한국대사관) in your country
2. Seoul National University Scholarship 서울대학교 장학금

The Seoul National University Scholarship offers full scholarship for undergraduate (대학 재학생), Master and PhD programmes (박사 과정).
Seoul National University is one of best universities in South Korea and is one of the Ivy League (아이비 리그) universities in Korea known as “SKY“.
3. Korea University Scholarship 고려대학교 장학금

Korea University is also under the “SKY“ Ivy League universities in South Korea.
Their scholarships offers tuition fee scholarships for undergraduate students and full scholarships (전액 장학금) for master's and PhD students.
However, this university is more well-known for their STEM majors (전공).
4. Yonsei University Scholarship 연세대 장학금

Yonsei is the third university under the “SKY“ universities as well.
Their scholarships are only for undergraduates only. They do not offer scholarships for Masters and PhD programs.
It is also an international college (국제 대학), so all classes are taught in English and they also offer full scholarships for international students (유학생).
5. SUNY Korea Scholarship SUNY 한국장학금

The SUNY Korea Shared Properity Award (SUNY 한국 공유재산상) funds (자금) under graduation of outstanding students from developing countries by covering their full or partial tuition fees, accommodation (숙소), board and programs fees.
Students are required to show their potential through excellent academic records (학업 기록), language scores (언어 점수) and other skills and activities.
6. UST South Korean Scholarship UST 한국 장학금

This scholarship is one of the most highly paid (고임금) and prestigious (권위있는) scholarships sponsored by the University of Science and Technology Institutes (과학 기술 대학 연구소).
This scholarship is offered to students twice a year to all international students.
Their procedure (절차) is all online so it will be efficient as well.
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