Top 5 Tips For Solo Female Travellers in Korea 홀로 가는 한국 여행 꿀팁 – 여자편

Are there any females out there who love Korea so much but can't get a chance to go because there is no one to go with? Or are there any that have a flight booked soon but feeling nervous as you're going alone? Here are top 5 Korean traveling tips for the solo female travellers out there.
1. Avoid Late Night Activities 야간 활동 피하세요

It is highly recommended (추천) to avoid late night activities such as going to clubs (클럽) late at night as date rape drugs (마약) is a legit problem (문제). If a stranger (낯선 사람) starts a conversation with you and you feel uncomfortable, walk away if possible.
2. Toilets 화장실

Squat (쪼그리고 앉은) toilets in Asian style can or may not be found in older structures (구조). It is not recommended to flush the toilet paper (휴지) in most public restrooms. Each stall has a trash can designated (구비된) for used tissues. Many people may find this to be a difficult adjustment, but you don't want to be the one to cause the pipes to become clogged.
3. Cafes 카페

There are many hidden (숨겨진) and secret cafes in Korea that can be found almost on every street if you look closely. They have different varieties of cafes such as themed cafes (테마 카페) or dessert (디저트) cafes or some with aesthetic interior (인테리어) that will make your heart flutter. These cafes will definitely make your Instagram feed even more wonderful!
4. Who you should call? 긴급 연락망

The 1330 Korea Travel Helpline is a multi-lingual travel assistance (보조) mainly created for travelers and expatriates (국외 거주자). It is available across the whole South Korea and is manned by certified travel specialist (여행 전문가) who can proved interpretation (통역) and any answer queries for you. They will register your complaints (불만) and is available 24/7.
5. Get Medical Assistance 의료 지원 받기

If there is any medical emergencies (긴급 상황), you can call 1339 which is the official Emergency Medical Information Centre 24-hour hotline. It is manned by bilingual (이중 언어) staff who can give you medical advice (조언) via phone call and connect you with any emergency services if necessary. You can also call them if you need help communicating with any medical staff at a clinic (보건소) or hospital (병원).
Korea is generally one of the safest countries in the world, but of course, it helps to be street smart and alert of your surroundings.