5 Facts About Korean Love Motels

When visiting Korea, there are a variety of options when it comes to accommodations (숙소). There’s an excellent mix of hotels (호텔), hostels (호스텔), guesthouses (게스트하우스), Airbnb (에어비앤비) rooms and unique motels known as “love motels”.
1. What Are Love Motels?

Love Motels are a special kind of hotel in Korea where guests can rent a room by the hour.
There are many reasons (이유) why these hotels came into existence but the main one is the culture because in Korea many young adults (젊은 사람들) still live with their parents (부모님) so private time with a significant other is hard to come by.
2. Where To Find Love Motels?

Love motels can be found all over Korea, especially (특히) in Seoul (서울) but they might not be so obvious to the eyes of a foreign traveler.
They are often hidden among other buildings (건물) and alleyways (골목) and generally won't have signs in English that explicitly say “Love Motel.”
You can distinguish a love motel from an ordinary hotel if you spot the word “HOTEL” in big, tacky letters in front of the building.
Love Motels are usually located at the predominantly big nightlife neighborhoods.
3. Themed Love Motels

One of the fun features about love motels is the funky themes that come along!
Love motels have been taking Korea by storm because of their Instagram-worthy arrangements.
Themed love motels are more expensive than regular love motels but the experience is worth the price if you're looking for a photo-worthy place.
A great example is the Graffiti & Hip Hop Love Motel in the Seongdong District (성동구) of Seoul.
4. Not Just For Couples

Love motels do have a distinct purpose but they are not just for young couples seeking privacy.
They are also for regular travelers who want an affordable place to sleep or a chance to experience the local culture.
Love motels are also great places to take mid-day naps or have showers (샤워) without paying for a whole night.
Anyone can stay at a love motel and if you have the opportunity (기회) to do so while in Korea then go for it!
5. Different Choices

Example of the “Western Room”

Example of the “Korean Room”
Some love motels offer a choice between a “Western room” and a “Korean room.”
The Western room has a bed while the Korean room has a mat and blankets (이불) on the floor.
It's also a good idea to keep track of the time you've spent in the room to be sure you're charged the right price (가격) upon checkout.
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