Learn ∙ Practice ∙ Experience Korean
Public Self Paced Learning
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Active a week ago
The Learn ∙ Practice ∙ Experience Korean community is created for passionate Korean language learners... View more
Public Self Paced Learning
Group Description
The Learn ∙ Practice ∙ Experience Korean community is created for passionate Korean language learners to talk, ask questions, encourage and even teach! Find new free quizzes or submit a question to be validated by natives in Discussions tab. If you’re an advanced learner, join so that you can teach others as teaching is the best method to learn. 같이 도우면서 배우는 환경을 만드는 것, 그것이 진정한 교육입니다!
Language used in this group are English and Korean.
Posted by Yoon Ssam on Oct 9, 2021 at 2:19 PM안녕하세요! Welcome to LEVSGRW Practice Pass Group.
My goal for Practice Pass is to help Korean language learners improve by making practice fun and effective. I will be updating new quizzes every week so be sure to keep a look out for notification!
This forum thread is for you to:
1. Interact with other learners
2. Report if you encounter any glitch or issue (do include quiz title and explain issue as specific as possible)
3. Ask questions regarding quizzes
4. Suggest topics to be addedYoon Ssam replied 1 year, 8 months ago 9 Members · 70 Replies- 70 Replies
윤쌤 안녕하세요
I think the word should be 처음 instead of 치음 on the sentence below?
우리는 오늘 치음 만났어요. 그래서 ( ) 잘 몰라요
어머 안녕하세요 Mavis씨!
일단.. 불편 드려서 죄송합니닷!!!.
그런데 LEVSGRW중에 어떤 Quiz가 잘못 됐죠?
윤쌤~~아니요. 괜찮아요 🙂
문제는 “Grammar 퀴즈 샘플 2″입니다.
답장해주셔서 감사합니다^^
아 그래요! 제가 지금 볼게요! 잠시만요
네 고쳤습니다~ 알려줘서 감사합니다! 혹시 불편하시더라도, 오타 찾으시면 알려주세요!! ?
네 윤쌤~ 감사합니다?
좋은 하루 보내세요.
한자를 그리고 “한자혼용”을 주새요
네네? 어떤 한자를 말씀하시는 건지…?
혹시… 천자문 먼저 알아요? 윤쌤?
괜찮다면… 한자를 한국 초등학교와 고등학교에서 공부했습니다.
The common 한자 that will be used for Daily speaking would be great 🙂
人 ?♂️
木 ?감사합니다 윤쌤!
아 알겠습니다~ 사자성어같은것도 괜찮나요?
사자성어는, 괜찮은데 ?
근데, 이해하기 쉽게 해 주세요 ?
For Daily Speaking only ㅠㅠ
Unfortunately I have an issue, it doesn't work for me from the moment I bought it for most of the response even if its correct even if i have the right answer it is marked as incorrect.
<strong style=”font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit; color: inherit;”>for example it shows <strong여자 친구한테 선물할 거예요
여자 친구한테 선물할 거예요<strong when i clic on show solution.
it's very strange can you help me with this situation ?
I am so sorry about the inconvenience caused. May I know which quiz you have the issue with?
URL or Quiz title or path would be very helpful for us to attend to the issue quickly. Thank you! 감사합니다!
안녕하세요 @yoonssam 윤쌤!
I'm actually experiencing the same issue as @elodie974 . I believe it's Writing Quiz 11/12 that has this issue of saying I gave the wrong answer even when I wrote the correct answer.
Hi Elodie,
Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
It was due to a system code change after an update we did to the platform. The Writing Quizzes are now working fine, please reattempt. Do not hesitate to let us know if you still experience issues with the quizzes.
Want to + Verb
Question 2 – wrong answer
Question 4 – wrong answer
알려주셔서 고맙습니다
Want to + Verb에 Question 2 has been corrected. We are really sorry about that.
But Question 4 appears to be the correct answer.
May I ask you why you pointed it as wrong answer?
Sorry, my bad, i assumed question 4 is related to question 3, like in the previous exercises. ?
Question 8 – wrong answer
Question 10 – wrong answer
네 괜찮아요~ Question 8 & 10 도 같이 수정했습니다~ 아무래도 cache가 있었던거 같아요. 저희쪽에 server cache를 clear했습니다~ 확인해주세요. 감사합니다
TB – Action Verb (Transitive Verb).
Please check question 31,33 and 35. There are errors.
음… May I know which part has errors? It appears to be working correctly as described though. 어디가 틀렸다고 생각하시는지 정확하게 말씀해 주시겠어요? 감사합니다~
LEVS GRW Writing Quiz 7/8 Question
Hello, on one of the quiz questions under the LEVS GRW Writing Quiz 7/8, it seems like “는” was missing when we were asked to rearrange the Korean words/phrases given to translate the English sentence into Korean. I know that the correct answer should be “그 집사는 차를 한 잔 가지고 왔아요” but “는” wasn’t listed as one of the words in the rearrange section. Could someone please fix? Please see pdf attached that shows/explains what I described above.
알겠습니다 Jenny씨
바로 보고 수정하도록 하겠습니다. Feedback 감사합니다!
꾸빡!! ?
Hi Jenny,
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Apologies for the missing 는, we have fixed it.
Same goes to the issues of wrong answers on several Writing Quizzes, it was due to a system code change after an update we did to the platform. They are now working fine, please reattempt.
Thank you and have a nice weekend ahead!
안녕하세요 @yoonssam 윤쌤,
Thanks for fixing the issues I had with some of the writing quizzes. I actually found a couple more issues in a couple of the LEVS GRW Writing Quizzes below:
1) Question 4 on Writing Quiz # 9 – It seems like the English translation does not match up with what was given in Korean. The English translation of the sentence was “Barnum gives a present to Carol“. However, in Korean the name given for Barnum was “재준 씨”. Should it have been “바넘 씨” in Korean?
2) Question 1 on Common Greetings Writing Practice I – It said my answer was wrong when I typed “잘 지내요“. However, that is what I heard, and I think this answer is correct. I'm not sure why it's saying my answer is wrong.
Please see the pdf files attached for more details on what I described above. When you get the chance, could you please take a look at these 2 issues I found?
너무 감사합니다 ?!
네 제니씨~ 안녕하세요!
지적 감사합니다!
I have taken a look at those 2 questions as you highlighted and I made little adjustment to make it more accurate for learners.
정말 고맘습니다!! 다시 한 번 시도해 보세요! ?
안녕하세요, @yoonssam 윤쌤,
Could you please explain why some of sentences from the LEVS GRW Grammar Quizzes -> TB – A = B & AB quiz ended with ~ㄹ 거에요 instead of ~ㄹ 거예요? I'm not sure if this a spelling error or if it's just something that I haven't come across before while self studying Korean. Sorry, I'm just asking because I haven't seen ~ㄹ(을) 거에요 used before and only familiar with using ~ㄹ(을) 거예요. Please see pdf file attached for more details on what I described above.
정말 감사합니다 ?!
네 이것도 마찬가지네요.
‘거에요'가 아니라 ‘거예요'가 맞네요. 저희 자체 검열에서 누락된 것 같습니다. 불편을 드려서 죄송합니다. 꾸빡 ?
다 맞게 수정했습니다. 다시 한 번 시도해 보세요.
안녕하세요, @yoonssam 윤쌤,
It seems like for Question # 33 under the LEVS GRW Grammar Quiz -> TB – Action Verb (Transitive) Verb Quiz, “먹다” was listed at the end of sentence when the answer should have been “먹을 거예요“. In other words, what was given doesn't match with what the answer should be. Please find the pdf file attached to see more details on what I described above.
너무 감사합니다 ?!
네! 알려주셔서 감사합니다.
보기에 있는 ‘먹다'를 ‘먹을 거예요'로 변경했습니다. ?
다시 한 번 감사드립니닷!
안녕하세요, @yoonssam 윤쌤!
Under the LEVS GRW Writing Quizzes – 10 Seollal Vocabs To Remember Quiz, it seems like the audio track for “Train ticket” is wrong. When I clicked on the audio ? button under “Train ticket”, the korean word “떡국” was played when the answer should have been “기차표“. When you get the chance, could you please take a look at this?
정말 감사합니다!
네 제니씨~ 안녕하세요!
There must be a mix-up of audio file for that particular question. I have replaced it, it should be working now. Thanks for informing! ^^
안녕하세요 @yoonssam 윤쌤,
I actually found a couple more issues in a couple of the questions under the LEVS GRW Korean Expression Quizzes – Daily Use II Quiz below:
1) Question 3 on Daily Use II Quiz – It seems like “쭉” was listed twice as an answer choice.
2) Question 8 on Daily Use II Quiz – It said my answer was wrong when I chose “True“ as the answer to the question “화장실이 어디예요? means where is the bathroom”. I’m not sure why it’s saying my answer is wrong.
Please see the pdf files attached for more details on what I described above. When you get the chance, could you please take a look at these 2 issues I found?
정말 감사합니다 !
네! 알려주셔서 감사합니다.
I have taken a look at those 2 questions, they are now reflecting correctly. 🙂
I'm having trouble with the LEVS GRW Listening Quizzes. Most are not showing up on the page. Listening Lesson #1 won't let me mark complete.
Listening #2 is fine. Then, from Dictation vocab Expression Lesson #3 to Listening Quiz Lesson #7, the pages are blank. Lesson #8 Listen and Write the Complete Sentence shows up fine. Then, none of the lessons from #9-#14 show up. Lessons 15-19 are fine.
I've adjusted my browser settings (Safari) but still can't access these pages. Is this a glitch than can be fixed?
Thank you!
안녕하세요, Jennifer! Thanks for subscribing to Practice Pass.
Rest assured we are looking into this right now and will keep you informed once the glitch is fixed. Apologies for the inconvenience caused. Appreciate your patience!
I am signed up for Practice Pass, but the site is asking me to sign up/pay again in order to access my courses. Can you please help me? 감사합니다
Oh really? So sorry about that! We will look into it and get back to you shortly. (maybe DM)
Hi Jennifer, while we're looking into fixing this issue, please attempt the quizzes using Google Chrome browser instead of Safari. They work on Chrome.
Thank you for looking into this so quickly. I will try using Chrome for now.
안녕하세요 윤쌤
저는 몇 개의 질문이 있어요.
1. 왜 태어났니? – 이 대화를 언제 누구한테 사용할 수 있어요? same meaning with Happy Birthday?
2. 진짜 그리고 정말 – 차이점은 무엇 입니까?
3. under section “loanword vocab quiz part 2” – Edwin – 이 이름은 “에드윈” 아님니까? 왜냐하면 the option choice given only 에드워드 Edward?
4. 달러 dollar – 언제 “달” / “덜” 사용합니까?
5. Expressions Daily Use I (Greeting + Common) Part 2즐거운 성탄절 보내세요 ~ 성탄절 그리고 성타절? 어떤거 정답입니까?
Teacher Yoon Ssam, kindly correct me if my above korean sentence consists of grammatical errors.
Thank you! 감사합니다
여기 제 답변입니다~ 열공하세요~
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와 잔짜 너무 너무 감사합니다 ?
Thanks for your efficient response and detailed explanation. ?
Good writing there you got!2
Loanword vocab quiz part 2 & Expressions Daily Use I (Greeting + Common) Part 2 둘다 업데이트 했습니다. 감사합니다~
안녕하세요 윤쌤 ~
체크카드 and 신용카드 – 이 둘 어휘를 혹시 비슷한 이에요?
체크카드는 debit card
신용카드는 credit card
Hope this helps. ☺
호호호 메리 크리스마스
아 그렇구나 ~ 네, 알겠습니다
이렇게 빨게 대답해주셔서 너무 감사합니다Merry Christmas ⛄
열공하세요! ?
빨게 >> 빨리 or 빠르게
아 ~저 실수했다 ?
수정해 주셔서 감사합니다
네 정확하게 지적해 주셨습니다! 수정 완료했습니다.
감사합니닷! ?
고맙습니다 ?
안녕하세요 윤쌤 ~
왜 이 문제를 다 틀렸어요?
잠시만요~ 볼게요
수정됐습니다~ 다시 해보세요 ?
불편을 드려서 죄송합니다!
네, 지금 이미 다 괜찮아요.
감사합니다 쌤~
My comment for you here in video format.
You are absolutely right! so we extended a few different sequences of answers after seeing yours. 감사합니다!
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oh 설명해주셔서 감사합니다 선생님.. ?
음… 혹시 topik 시험 때 언제나 <space> 꼭 넣고 해야 돼요?네 맞아요~ ㅋ
네, 알겠습니다. ?
오 잠시만요~
네 수정했습니다~ 확인해 보세요!
네, 이미 다 대답했습니다.
수정해주셔서 감사합니다.
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