5 Essential Items For Visiting Korea 한국 갈 때 필수템 5가지

Since the lockdown has just ended, there are surely lots of people who have booked their plane tickets to South Korea after such a long wait. There may be experienced Korea travelers or some of you who are new to it. Well, here are the top 5 essential items that you need for visiting South Korea to make your vacation more efficient and fun.
1. T Money Card 티머니 카드

A T Money Card is a rechargeable (충전식) card that travelers can buy to make journeys extremely convenient. It can be used to pay for all your transportation fees (교통비) including buses (버스), subway (지하철), taxis (택시) and even as one of the method of payments at affiliated stores (가맹점).
2. Naver Map 네이버 지도

The Naver Map is a navigation (항해) tool that Korean uses to search for the locations they want to go to. It shows all the best route (노선), travel durations (기간) and other information. It also shows restaurants that are nearby. You can either use the Naver website or download the app to access it as both are convenient (편리한) and precise (정확한).
3. Papago 파파고

Papago is a web translation (번역) app that was developed by South Korea’s largest Internet company, Naver Corporation. It is popular for its artificial intelligence developments (인공 지능 개발). It can translate texts and speech (문자와 음성) from a language to another. One good thing about Papago is that it’s free to use as well.
4. Airvisual 에어비주얼

South Korea is known to have hazy (안개) weathers from time to time. Airvisual is to provide the real-time (실시간) data of the air condition at your area. So basically, Airvisual will actually help during your trip to Korea as you can check the weather to see if it is hazy or not. By knowing the condition, you can also prepare a mask (마스크) just in case.
5. Kakaotalk 카카오톡

As everyone knows, Kakaotalk is a mobile messaging app which was operated by Kakao Corporation and often referred as KaTalk (카톡). It is an app that you can’t miss out on using as it is an app that almost all Korean use to message (메시지).