TOPIK Test Schedule Malaysia – Complete Guide

For 2020, the TOPIK Test will be held 6 times in Korea and 5 times outside of Korea. The TOPIK Test will be held in April, May, July, October, and November.
The 68th TOPIK, 69th TOPIK, 70th TOPIK, 71st TOPIK, 72nd TOPIK, and 73rd TOPIK tests will be conducted in 2020.
In Malaysia, the TOPIK test will be held in April and October.
How To Register for TOPIK Exam In Malaysia?
Firstly, you will need to download the application form, fill it up and attach two formal ID photos.
Next, you will need to bank in the TOPIK exam fees to the person in charge. The details are as below:
Fee: RM 100
Bank: CIMB Bank
Account number: 1218-0010518-05-3
Account name: ROU SEUNG YOAN
Once you are done, you will need send in your application form and a photo or a scan copy of the bank-in slip to
Your registration will be confirmed via SMS Email or upon receiving your form.
To get a better understanding on the TOPIK exam, read our blog post How To Register for TOPIK Exam In Malaysia.
TOPIK Test 2020 for Locations outside Korea

Registration dates may vary in different countries. The dates and locations may also change depending on different factors. Please check with your country’s affiliated institution or contact the local Korean embassy.
For further details you can contact Korean Embassy in your country or visit the official TOPIK website: or contact NIIED office – 81, Ihwajang-gil, Jongno-gu , Seoul, 110 – 810, Republic of Korea. Tel : +82-2-3668-1331. Fax : +82-2-741-7408.