Upload Receipt Feature

If you are a Penang Korean Class student cardholder, chances are you would've seen a little Upload Receipt section that we have recently put up on the Membership page.

You know, the page where we feature all of the perks offered by Penang Korean Class's Exclusive Partners.

If you have flashed your card to receive perks from our partners, it would be awesome if you can take less than a minute to fill out the information requested!

We ask for these information to:

get a better idea on what kind of perks are highly redeemed by learners

find out learner's favourite category of Exclusive Partners

find out learner's favourite type of perks

Rest assured, Penang Korean Class will always keep your personal information safe.

The information will really help us to improve and continue working on collaborating with the right partners to bring you a fulfilling K-Experience!



First Time to uBitto?

uBitto is a social platform for education driving effective language learning journey with AI, analytics and gamification as well as real educators.

We are currently focusing on Korean language but will be open up for many other languages and subjects.

To get the best out of uBitto, take our short quiz

FREE Korean Starter Kit

With this guide, you’ll be able to read Korean in less than 2 hours!

Starter Kit Popup