Common Ways To Say Thank You in Korean 고마움을 표현하는 땡큐의 여러가지 표현

Thank You in Korean is one of the most common phrases one will have to say while visiting Korea. However, there are many ways to express “Thank You” in different situations. Here are some of the common ways to say Thank You in Korean.
1. 감사합니다 Gam-sa-hab-ni-da

This is the most standard way for beginners to say thank you in Korean. It is usually used with anyone who is older with you or someone who has a higher social status from you.
2. 고맙습니다 Go-mab-seub-ni-da

This way of saying thank you came from the verb go-mab-da (고맙다) which means to be grateful. It is more acceptable to use this way to say thank you with people who are around the same level such as families and normal friends.
3. 고마워요 Go-ma-wo-yo

Go-ma-wo-yo is a standardized version of go-mab-seub-ni-da (고맙습니다). It is still counted as polite (공손) although it’s less formal (정중한) then go-mab-seub-ni-da. This way of saying thank you is used for friends who you are not so close with but still have to show some respect (존경).
4. 고마워 Go-ma-wo

The literal translation for this phrase just means thanks. It is similar to the previous two ways of saying than you but it’s in a way more informal (일상적인) way. It is used while speaking to people who are younger (어린) or maybe children (어린이) who are strangers.
5. 잘 먹겠습니다 Jal Meok-gaess-seub-ni-da

This phrase is used while having a meal. It means I will eat well thanks to someone/ if someone is treating. If you change the meok-gaess-seub-ni-da (먹겠습니다) to meok-eoss-seub-ni-da (먹었습니다) it will change to I had a great meal.
6.잘 받을게요 / 잘 받겠습니다 Jal bad-eul-gae-yo / jal bad-gaess-seub-ni-da

The literal translation of jal bad-eul-gae-yo (잘 받을게요) is “I will receive it well”. It is often used when we a gift is being received. You use this when someone around your age and remove the “yo“(요) if that person is your friend or someone younger than you. As usual, when you add gaess-seub-ni-da (겠습니다) behind, it will become more formal.
7. 잘 쓸게요 / 잘 쓰겠습니다 Jal sseul-gae-yo / Jal sseu-gaess-seub-ni-da

For jal sseul-gae-yo (잘 쓸게요잘), it is similar to jal bad-eul-gae-yo (잘 받을게요) but it is used only when the items received is something that you can use such as phone, watch, note, pen, power bank.. etc. And the same goes to the “yo“ (요) and gaess-seub-ni-da (겠습니다) rule for this phrase as well.