Popular Sports Korea is Known For II 한국을 알리는 인기있는 스포츠 2탄

Here is the second part of the list for popular sports Korea is known for. South Korea has became recognized for these sports and are known to be good at them.
Which kind of sport and the athlete is your favorites?
1. Figure Skating 피겨 스케이팅

Figure skating became well known in South Korea ever since figure skater Kim Yuna (김연아) became the 2010 Olympic champion and silver medalist during 2014.
She was the first South Korean figure skater who won a medal in the Olympics and became one of the most highly recognized athletes (선수) and media figures (공인) in South Korea.
2. Taekwondo 태권도

Taekwondo was originated (유래) from South Korea and is known for its kicking (차기) and punching (지르기) techniques (기술).
South Korea is also currently the highest in rank compared to other countries in taekwondo performances.
K-tigers (K 타이거즈) is one of the most well known taekwondo demo teams (태권도 시범단) that uses the taekwondo moves to make K-pop dance covers.
3. Judo 유도

Judo is also another popular sports in South Korea ever since the 2012 Olympic Games in Rio when they won two god medals by Kim JaeBum (김재범) and Song Dae-Nam (송대남).
South Korea had already won 11 gold medals in history.
One of the best judoka of South Korea is Jeon Ki-Young (전기영) who won the Olympic (올림픽) title in 1996.
4. Rhythmic Gymnastics 리듬 체조

Rhythmic gymnastics had became famous with Son Yeon Jae (손연재) who brought the glory back to South Korea.
She was the 2014 Asian Games All-around Champion, and the 2010 Asian Games All-around bronze medalist (동메달) for three-time during year 2016, 2015 and 2013.
She was the first and only (유일한) South Korean who won a medal during the World Championships (세계 선수권대회), FIG Wprld Cup series, Universiade and the Asian Games.
5. Golf 골프

South Korea is the third-largest golf market in the world behind USA and Japan.
The well known golf icon of South Korea is Park Se Ri (박세리) who popularized the sport during the 1997 Asian financial crisis.
Golf is also an activity that many Korean’s play especially those in large corporates or any South Korean conglomerate (재벌).
6. Swimming 수영

Swimming first became famous when South Korean swimmer Park Tae Hwan (박태환) started competing in the Olympics and Asian games.
He has now won four medals in the Olympics, 20 medals in the Asian Games and has already earned five world titles (세계 타이틀).
He even has a nickname (별명) called the marine boy (마린보이).