Good Luck Superstition that Exists in Korea 이런 게 행운을 가져온다고?

Since many are still in the festivities mood, this topic might be quite apt! There are quite a few good luck superstitions that has existed in Korea for a long time. Here are few commonly known ones and are believed by many people! Is it the same in your country?

1. Eating Yeot 엿 먹기(억양 조심)

Yeot is a kind of Korean candy (사탕) that is sweet and sticky (끈적끈적한). It is made out of steamed rice, glutinous sorghum, corn, sweet potatoes, or mixed grains (잡곡). It is believed to let good fortune stick to you because it is really sticky. Many Korean students would eat before an exam as well.

2. Korean Traditional Masks 한국 전통 가면

These big smiley wooden masks is said that it acts as good luck talismans (행운의 부적) to bless your home. It is also perfect as house decorations (장식물) by just hanging (걸다) it on the wall. These masks are usually made from alder wood (오리나무) and is popular as souvenirs (기념품) in Korea.

3. Laundry Detergent 빨래 세제

During housewarming (집들이) parties in Korea, it is a custom to buy some gifts for the host (호스트) when you enter their new home. Laundry detergent is a popular gift for a housewarming party as it is believed that the bubbles (거품) formed from the detergent symbolises (상징하다) blessings (축복) and fortune.

4. Lucky Numbers 행운의 숫자

Many Koreans are often seen to put the number 3,7 or 8 in their car plate (번호판) numbers or businesses. Parents will usually choose dates (날짜) for their children’s weddings with an 8 inside. It is also said that couples with a 3 or 7 year age difference (나이 차이) are considered to be the best match.

5. Bujeok 부적

Bujeok is a yellow (노란색) talisman paper that were used in the Korean traditional shamanism (샤머니즘). Many households (가구) have these stuck on their walls or above doors so that the house is safe (안전). This is because bujeok is known to bring good luck and chasing away evil spirits (악령) and bad luck.

6. Fork 포크

This symbol is more of a good luck symbol for students. A fork symbolizes stabbing (찌르기), which is to wish students to stab the correct answers (정답) during their exam (시험). So, you might want to give your child, siblings (형제) or friends (친구) who are taking an exam a fork to wish the good luck!

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