Edit : Live Class Instructor

September 19 Thu, 2024
Basic Details (1/8)
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LPE Category
We categorize our services into Learn Practice Experience. Learn has been already selected. You don't need to change it unless needed.
Which type of Live Class Instructor are you?
Professional instructors have certification in teaching a language as a foreign or second language. Community instructors are native or near-native speaker who enjoy teaching and may or may not have experience.
Professional Certification or Business Registered Document
Maximum file size: 6 MB
Up to 4 files in jpg, png or pdf.   What type of certification are required to be a professional Live Class Instructor?
How would you like to conduct your Live Class?
Which tool will you be mainly using to conduct online class?
Please list other tools that you are using
We will add the tool in the selection shortly
Where do you want to conduct your live class? (2/8)
Many learners prefer locals and someone near them so please provide your location even if you're offering online sessions.
You can share your area ONLY, not the specific detail address
Street Address [Search]
 Search Your Address with Street Name
City / Town
Your class schedule will follow this timezone*
Location Country
Your class schedule will follow this timezone*
Let's describe your class. (3/8)
What would you like to teach?
What subject(s) would you like to teach?
We will add this subject into the list shortly
What language would you like to teach?
What OTHER language would you like to teach?
What OTHER language(s) would you use in your class?
What language(s) would you use in your class?
Let's describe your live class. (4/8)
What is the name of your class?
This is your title. Max 40 characters.
What makes you uniquely qualified to conduct this class?
Please do not share your personal email or phone number.
How many years of experience do you have?*
I have year(s) of teaching experience in this subject
I am
Summary of your class
Optional. Please summarise your class in 15 words to be shown on your listing.
Describe your class in details.
What level is this class catered for?
What are your focus areas?
Language Focus Area Other
Let's describe your live class. (5/8)
Do you require materials / equipments to attend your class?
What are the materials / equipments needed?
Please also include sources to purchase (if needed)
Class Start Date
According to your local timezone.
The class will be on every
You may select multiple days if the class is carried out on more 1 day in a week.
Class Start time
According to your local timezone.
Class End Time
According to your local timezone.
Class End Date
If the class is recurring every month, please enter how long this class would usually last.

For example, the class is 6 months course, then add 6 months on top of class start date.
If clas start date 1st Jan, then class end date should be 1st June.
We will help set up monthly recurrence for you.

According to your local timezone.
Add your photos (6/8)
We’ll review every photo before it goes live on your listing.
Featured Image*
Maximum file size: 2 MB
Your featured image will appear on your preview card when posting your listing on social media. Size: 460 x 260 pixels
Class Cover Image*
Maximum file size: 10 MB
Your featured image will appear on your preview card when posting your listing on social media. Size: 1920 x 400 pixels
Photo Showcase (Optional)
Maximum file size: 6 MB
You can upload pictures to help learners understand youself better. It could be pictures of you, your teaching sessions or materials you use. Up to 4 images in jpg or png.
Upload Intro Video (Optional)
Maximum file size: 180 MB
1 or 2 mins of a short video of yourself and your session. For more info, please refer to  uBitto Partner Video Guidelines
Who can attend your live class? (7/8)
Minimum age for this live class
Maximum age for this live class
Minimum group size
If 1, please consider Practice Buddy which is meant for 1 on 1 sessions with a lot more flexibility.
Maximum group size
Physical Class Pricing
If the class is monthly occurence, then just fill up the monthly fee.
We will help set up monthly recurrence for you.
Price Type*
Online Live Class Pricing
If the class is monthly occurence, then just fill up the monthly fee.
We will help set up monthly recurrence for you.
Do you have a community group?
Community Group allows you to interact with your learners and be informed once someone signs up to your class. If you do not have one, we will be creating it for you or you can create a group now
Community Group URL
Your customers will be added to this group for any further discussion
What's your cancellation policy? (8/8)
Cancellation Policy
Mobile Number*
Sample (+82) 010-123-4567
This is only for between admin and yourself in a case of emergency.
Should be reachable via Whatsapp
Upon submission, in max 48 business hours (usually shorter), you will be able to set your available schedule from 'Session Control' tab

Quick Guidance

Your Session Control panel is not created yet

Please ensure you have submitted your listing design. (Design Listing). If you have submitted yet you're seeing this, please check your inbox for Sessions Panel login credentials.

Your Session Control panel is created

Proceed to next step.

On the header, click on your email, and click on My Profile.

1. Assigned Services: Select the language and the meeting methods (online or on-site) you would like to offer and fill in your rates, click Save Changes when you’re done.


2. Working Hours: Firstly, please select your timezone on the top right corner. You can choose different working hours for any day, but if you want to set the same schedule for the entire week, simply set it for Monday and click on the Apply to All Days button. Validate your entries, and be sure to click Save

If you only want to offer your services on selected days and timings, you can also customise your availability. 

3. Days Off:  Click on the Add Day Off button and you’ll see several new options. Enter a day off name, a date or range of dates and check if you want this day off to repeat yearly. Remember to Save Changes once you are done.

4. Special Days (optional): This allows you to set one or multiple days in which you will have different working hours than it is set in the Working Hours tab. Whether you need to set shorter or longer working hours for just one day or a period, do so here.

Congratulations! Once you’ve successfully paid for your session(s), you should be getting a confirmation email. In it, you will find:

  1. Calendar file (for you to add upcoming sessions to your preferred calendar and be reminded)
  2. Practice Session details including Zoom link

You can access your Session Control from your uBitto Partner Dashboard.

You will be able to view all your bookings and also access their corresponding unique Zoom link.

Simply click the link to join Practice Session during the scheduled time.

Now your appointment status will be in Pending status and awaiting for you to confirm the schedule. There are 4 different status but you will seldom use cancel and reject as a practice buddy.

  1. Approve when everything like date and time is good.
  2. Pending, this is a default status which requires you to take action. If you don't take any action till the exact booking date, the earning for this booking will not be calculated.
  3. Cancel, this is usually for the emergency case. You must not use this option to reschedule the existing appointment. You can just change the time and save it if you wish to reschedule
  4. Reject, this option is used for when the appointment was wrongly done.

For more info, please take a look further on this

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